client attraction program




T H E  W O N D E R  T E A M


client attraction coach

Nicole Cherie Hesse, CEO of Unicorn Client Attraction, has empowered thousands of entrepreneurs to attract unicorn clients without the struggle of cold outreach using energetically aligned social selling strategies. 
From bartender to seven figure CEO in just 13 months, Nicole has repositioned her skill sets and colorful life experience to create a movement.
In overcoming abuse, loss and grief, Nicole has aunique perspective on the world of sales. She stands firmly against pain point tactics and uses her signature strategy of Catalyst Marketing to attract her unicorn clients. 
She helps her clients to align their offers and use their own personal stories, trials and tribulations to dominate their industries. Nicole’s clients have gone on to make five and even six figures a month using her proven marketing system.

T H E  W O N D E R  T E A M


aligned action coach

Liz is the support coach in Wonder World! She specializes in alignment, efficiency, and prioritization to empower you to crush your unicorn goals! 
She has a background in occupational therapy and a PhD in Psychology. In 2020, when Liz’s newborn daughter had a stroke, she instantly recognized how important all the little moments really are in life! She went all in on her business by joining Nonstop Notifications so she could help other high achieving moms enjoy precious parenting moments without sacrificing their goals using prioritized alignment strategies! In less than 9 months, she crushed her goal of making consistent 5 figure months while working from home, homeschooling her kids, retiring her husband from his corporate job, and teaching at a university! 
She is living proof you can have it all and Nonstop Notifications is the catalyst!

T H E  W O N D E R  T E A M

Amanda Bresemann

director of events

Amanda first joined the Wonder Team as a personal assistant and has quickly expanded her role as the Director of Events. 
She keeps all things flowing in person from creating healthy meals for The Wonder Team, dialing in all the details for high level in person Wonder World Events, while also managing all levels of surprise and delight for staff and clients.
Her extensive background in the service industry and hospitality has led to taking this role in Wonder World to a whole new level.

T H E  W O N D E R  T E A M

Ashley Villa

key account specialist

Ashley initially joined the Wonder Team as an Intern and quickly stepped into her role as the Key Account Specialist for our clients in Agencyland. 
By helping to dial-in all the moving pieces behind this new Wonder Door, she is finding ways to serve our Unicorn Clients in the highest and best energy while streamlining our systems so the Wonder Team can continue to grow with ease.
Her extensive background in the Hospitality and Service industry, as well as her experience as a Virtual Assistant, is helping her to take ownership of this role and support Wonder World as we lean into the nine-figure frequency.

T H E  I N T E R N D Y N A S T Y

Niamh Casey

July-September 2022

"you get to choose who you are... believe in that person, trust yourself & become everything you've ever dreamed of. "

"you get to choose who you are... believe in that person, trust yourself & become everything you've ever dreamed of. "

Tina Edson

October-December 2022

"you can have it all, without sacrificing your values."

Zinette Zorzos

January-March 2023

"embrace failure as lessons and love yourself into abundance, you get to craft your dream life when you accept all of you."

Lindsey Morales

April - August 2023

"become the person who continually grows and changes even when it's uncomfortable... that's how you know it's working. "

Ashley Villa

August - December 2023

"stop looking to other people to tell you what is or isn't possible. you only have one life and you're the one who gets to call the shots."

Sam Mills

September - November 2023

"You will find what you seek for. Start looking for the magic and watch it start sprinkling everywhere"

Cori Wilson

December 2023 - February 2023

"If speaking is silver then listening is gold... You have all the answer inside of you, stay gold"

Nat Gerrard

December 2023 - February 2023

P A S S I N G  O F  T H E  C R O W N

Passing of the Crown

Zinette to Lindsey

March 31st, 2023

Passing of the Crown

Lindsey to Ashley

July 31st, 2023

Ethically 3x - 5x Your Prices

Turn Five Figure Months Into Five Figure Days


Work with 7 figure Client Attraction Coach


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